Spam filtering techniques

Immoral e-mail senders bear little or no cost for mass distribution of messages; yet normal e-mail users are forced to spend time and effort removing fraudulent and otherwise unnecessary mail from their mailboxes. In this article, I explain ways that computer code can help to remove unwanted commercial e-mail, viruses, trojans, and worms , as well as frauds perpetrated electronically and other undesired and troublesome e-mail. In some logic, the final and best solution for removing spam will maybe take place on a legal level. In the meantime, however, you can do some things from a code perception that can serve as an interim solution to the problem, until (if ever) the laws begin to evolve at the same rate as public frustration.
Considering matters strictly but also with common sense -- what is generally called "spam" is somewhat broader than the category "unwanted commercial e-mail"; spam encompasses all the e-mail that we do not want and that is only very loosely directed at us. Such messages are not always commercial per se, and some push the limits of what it means to be requested. For example, we do not want to get viruses (even from our unwary friends); nor do we generally want chain letters, even if they don't ask for money; nor proselytizing messages from strangers; nor outright attempts to defraud us. In any case, it is usually unmistakable whether a message is spam, and many, many people get the same such e-mails.
The problem with spam is that it tends to swamp popular e-mail. In my own experience, a few months ago I infrequently received a wrong message, maybe one or two each day. Every day of this month, in contrast, I received many times more spams than I did legal correspondences. On average, I probably get 10 spams for every appropriate e-mail. In some ways I am unusual -- as a programmer, I maintain a widely published e-mail address; moreover, I both welcome and receive frequent correspondence from strangers related to my program writing and to my software libraries. Unfortunately, a letter from a stranger -- with who-knows-which e-mail application, OS, native natural language, and so on, is not immediately clear in its purpose; and spammers try to slip their messages underneath such ambiguities. My seconds are valuable to me, especially when they are claimed many times during every hour of a day.
In My Next post i will try to cover basic techniques to filter Spam from ur Inbox

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